Volleyball Skillastics® Lesson Plan Guide (MGFF07)


A 3-week, step-by-step guide designed around Volleyball Skillastics®.

  • Starts from the beginning with hand placement & passing fundamentals
  • Over 50 lessons included
  • Includes numerous downloadable supporting document
  • Includes round-robin tournament finale


This easy to follow, step-by-step guide was designed around Volleyball Skillastics®. This manual guides you through the Five Easy E’s of successful Skillastics® implementation: Establish, Educate, Execute, Expand and Evaluate. This manual coincides perfectly with the FREE Unit Curriculum that’s included with a Volleyball Skillastics® purchase.

Each day consists of several lessons that equal 50 minutes of quality, moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) presented in the following format:

  1. Title of activity.
  2. The day of the activity and how long the activity will take to execute.
  3. The grade level the activity is appropriate for.
  4. The overview of the activity.
  5. The equipment needed for the activity.
  6. The set up with illustrations.
  7. How to teach and play the activity.
  8. Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Alignment.
  9. Solutions to challenges you may encounter.

Click to Enlarge the Lesson Samples

Targets Grades 3-12

Great for:

  • After School
  • Physical Education
  • 21st CCLC
  • YMCA
  • Boy’s and Girls Clubs

Experience how easy it can be to encourage maximum participation in a non-competitive, all-inclusive, super fun environment.